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A Comparative Analysis of Assets Among Female Office Workers in Their 60s Across Regions in Korea

※ For female office workers in Korea who are in their 60s, financial priorities revolve around maintaining stability and securing a comfortable retirement. After decades of accumulating wealth through salaries, investments, real estate, and pension contributions, women in this age group tend to focus on asset management and preparing for post-retirement life. However, regional disparities in income levels, real estate markets, and the cost of living have a significant influence on the overall wealth of female office workers. This article examines the differences in asset accumulation among female office workers in their 60s across various regions of Korea, providing insights into how wealth is distributed and managed in the later stages of life.


Factors Shaping Asset Accumulation for Women in Their 60s

  1. Career Trajectory and Income: Female office workers in their 60s are often approaching or have already entered retirement. Their lifetime earnings have been influenced by various factors, including regional job markets and access to higher-paying roles. Women working in metropolitan areas like Seoul typically had access to better-paying jobs compared to those in smaller cities, impacting their wealth accumulation.
  2. Real Estate Ownership: Real estate remains the largest asset class for most female office workers in their 60s. Women who purchased homes early in life have likely seen substantial appreciation in property values, especially in larger cities like Seoul and Busan. Meanwhile, women in regions with lower property prices may not have seen the same level of appreciation, but they benefit from lower housing costs and more accessible homeownership.
  3. Pension and Savings Plans: As retirement looms, pension funds, savings accounts, and investment portfolios become crucial for maintaining financial security. Contributions to the National Pension Scheme (NPS) and other retirement plans vary across regions, often reflecting the differing levels of income and living expenses in each area. Women who have worked in higher-paying regions have been able to contribute more to these accounts, thus increasing their post-retirement savings.
  4. Cost of Living: The cost of living differs significantly between regions, with higher costs in Seoul and other metropolitan areas limiting how much female office workers can save. In contrast, regions like Jeju and Daegu offer a lower cost of living, allowing for more disposable income to be directed toward savings and investments.

Average Asset Size by Region for Female Office Workers in Their 60s

1. Seoul

Average Asset Size: ₩1.3 billion - ₩2.3 billion

  • Details: Female office workers in Seoul have likely accumulated the most wealth, largely due to higher salaries and the appreciation of real estate in the capital. Property values in Seoul have skyrocketed over the years, making homeownership the primary driver of wealth for many women. However, the high cost of living means that much of their wealth is tied up in real estate, with less liquidity for other financial investments. Pension funds and savings accounts also play a role, but real estate remains dominant in asset portfolios.

2. Busan

Average Asset Size: ₩1.0 billion - ₩1.7 billion

  • Details: Busan’s real estate market has grown significantly, though it remains more affordable than Seoul. Female office workers in their 60s in Busan benefit from both property appreciation and a relatively lower cost of living. Many own homes that have increased in value while also maintaining a diversified portfolio that includes savings and pension plans. With lower living expenses than in Seoul, women in Busan are more likely to have disposable income for other investments.

3. Incheon

Average Asset Size: ₩900 million - ₩1.6 billion

  • Details: Incheon’s proximity to Seoul allows for access to higher-paying jobs while maintaining a more affordable cost of living. Female office workers in their 60s in Incheon generally have accumulated significant assets through homeownership, with property values increasing steadily over the years. Alongside real estate, women in this region typically hold pensions and savings accounts, and they may have diversified their investments into stocks or bonds as well.

4. Daegu

Average Asset Size: ₩800 million - ₩1.4 billion

  • Details: Daegu offers a more affordable real estate market compared to larger cities, making it easier for women in their 60s to accumulate wealth through homeownership. While incomes in Daegu may not be as high as in Seoul or Busan, the lower cost of living allows for greater savings and investment opportunities. Pension savings and real estate are the primary components of wealth for female office workers in this region.

5. Jeju

Average Asset Size: ₩700 million - ₩1.2 billion

  • Details: Jeju is known for its lower cost of living and slower pace of life, which appeals to retirees and those seeking a more affordable lifestyle. Female office workers in their 60s in Jeju typically have smaller incomes than those in urban centers, but they benefit from lower housing costs. Real estate, particularly vacation or rental properties, is a significant part of their wealth, and savings and pension funds are crucial for maintaining financial security in retirement.

Regional Differences in Asset Composition

Seoul: Real Estate Dominance

In Seoul, the majority of wealth for female office workers in their 60s is concentrated in real estate. Property prices in the capital are among the highest in the country, meaning that women who own homes have seen significant appreciation in their assets. However, the high cost of living limits the liquidity of their wealth, with less disposable income available for financial investments like stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. Pensions and savings play a secondary role but remain important for retirement security.

Busan and Incheon: Balanced Financial Portfolios

In Busan and Incheon, female office workers have benefited from growing real estate markets and lower living costs. This allows them to accumulate wealth through both homeownership and diversified financial portfolios. In these regions, women tend to hold pensions, savings, and other low-risk investments, balancing their wealth between real estate and financial assets.

Daegu and Jeju: Accessible Housing Markets

In Daegu and Jeju, lower real estate prices make homeownership more accessible, allowing women in their 60s to build wealth through property. However, with fewer high-paying jobs and lower incomes, women in these regions rely more heavily on pensions and savings for their post-retirement financial security. While real estate plays a significant role, their overall asset portfolios are smaller compared to those in Seoul or Busan.

Wealth Management Strategies for Female Workers in Their 60s

As women in their 60s approach or enter retirement, the focus shifts from asset accumulation to preservation and financial security. Key strategies include:

  1. Real Estate Optimization: For women who own valuable real estate, particularly in regions like Seoul, selling or renting out property can free up liquidity for other investments or retirement living expenses.
  2. Pension and Retirement Fund Management: As retirement becomes a central focus, women should optimize their pension contributions and explore additional savings plans that can provide a stable post-retirement income.
  3. Low-Risk Financial Investments: Women in their 60s should prioritize low-risk investments like bonds, savings accounts, or annuities to preserve their wealth while still generating returns. Diversifying portfolios can help mitigate risk while providing financial stability.
  4. Managing Living Costs: In regions where the cost of living is high, adjusting lifestyle expenses can ensure that savings last longer. Many women may consider relocating to regions with lower living costs, such as Jeju or Daegu, to stretch their retirement funds.


Asset accumulation for female office workers in their 60s varies greatly across Korea, with real estate playing a dominant role in wealth management. Women in Seoul have seen significant appreciation in property values, while those in regions like Daegu and Jeju benefit from more affordable living and accessible housing markets. Regardless of location, pensions, savings, and low-risk investments are essential for ensuring a secure and comfortable retirement. Understanding these regional differences can help women make informed decisions about their financial futures, ensuring that their assets are well-managed as they transition into retirement.

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